The workshop aims to bring researchers and practitioners from multiple disciplines (computer vision, neuroscience, multimedia computing, sensor technologies and assistive technology applications) to discuss fundamental issues in visual perception, computational intelligence, neuroscience and visual prosthesis for helping blind and visually impaired people and people working in visually challenged environments. This is the first IEEE workshop on this topic, but we have had two very successful internal workshops with similar multidisciplinary features (one at Georgia Tech and one at The City University of New York - CUNY). This workshop coordinates with the main conference theme on "Multimedia for Humanity". We hope this workshop will attract attention of the multimedia community in understanding human perception, human brain, and human-machine interaction issues for assisting the visually impaired and challenged individuals.
Specific topics include but are not limited to:
The workshop will include the following events (the numbers are just for planning, and they are up to change based on responses):
To encourage high quality submissions and student involvements, we plan to give one or more best paper and/or best student paper awards. To be considered for the best student paper award, the student must be the first author. Sponsorships from the National Science Foundation , Microsoft Research, CCNY Grove School Engineering and other parties could allow us to support both paper awards and travels of a number of workshop attendees (including domain experts as panelists/speakers and students/young researchers presenting papers) who otherwise would not attend ICME.
Full-length papers should be no longer than 6 pages. Submission format and instruction, as well as other important information, can be found on the ICME web page. Accepted papers will be published by IEEE in the workshop proceedings along with the IEEE ICME 2013 proceedings. Guidelines for camera-ready preparation can be found here.
The CMT system for submitting papers to the ICME workshops has been set:
Each workshop corresponds to a "Track" in the CMT system of the event "ICME workshops". Please choose
Track: IEEE Workshop on Multimodal and Alternative Perception for Visually Impaired People (MAP4VIP)
Based on the number and quality of the submitted papers, extended versions of some selected accepted papers mayl be invited to submit to one or two Special Issues on MAP4VIP after the workshop, tentatively in IEEE Transactions on Autonomous Mental Development (TAMD) (EIC: Zhengyou Zhang) for multimodal perception and human-machine intelligence papers, and/or IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics (EIC: Kok-Meng Lee) for mechatronics and visual prosthetic papers.