CSC 8000 MDCDM Spring 2007 ID A1 A2 P1 P2a P2b P3a P3b P3c Final Letter 82016 8 8 8.35 8.88 8.28 8.3 8 8.28 83.14 A- 82675 9 10 8.95 8.33 8.55 9.03 9 8.95 88.72 A 28743 10 8 9.45 9.78 9.78 9.95 9.58 9.6 96.21 A+ 75895 10 10 8.63 8.55 8.65 8.93 8.8 8.55 88.17 A 61261 10 8 9.58 8.88 9.63 9.93 9.78 9.85 95.48 A+ 77371 9 8 9.35 9.15 8.93 9.68 9.58 9.63 92.98 A 80782 10 10 9.68 9.78 9.45 9.58 9.85 9.83 97.26 A+ 61062 8 9 9.1 9.33 9.38 9.08 8.46 8.81 89.74 A 71337 10 9 9.68 9.75 9.38 9.53 9.78 9.48 95.9 A+ 86241 10 x x x x x x x INC INC A1: Assignment 1 – 5% A2: Assignment 2 – 5% P1: Fast Forward Presentation (10 min) – 15% P2: Reading Presentation (30 min) – 30% a: Summary of the area (15%) b: Understanding of a focused topic (15%) P3: Synthetic Project Presentation (60 min) – 45% a: Problem Understanding (15%) b: Algorithms/Methods (15%) c: Results and Analysis (15%) Total of Final: 100% Breakdowns: (Final to Letter) A+ >=95; A >=88; A- >=80; B >=75; C: >-60