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Time and Place: Wednesday 2-4pm GC 4422
Instructor: William E. Skeith (WES)
Office: 4410
Message Board: Piazza


An introduction to modern cryptography. Topics will include pseudorandomness, one-way functions, encryption and signature schemes, zero knowledge proof systems, and more general cryptographic protocols.


You are strongly encouraged to attend lectures. This will be the main source of material for the class.


There will be several written assignments and (possibly) a programming assignment. You will also be responsible for presenting a contemporary(ish) paper in the literature and producing a written summary containing your own understanding of its contents.


The final grade will be based on the following:

HW+Projects-50%, Paper Presentation-35%, “Participation”-15%


While we won’t follow any particular book straight through, the following should provide good references, and are all freely available online:

Other Remarks

Your time is valuable; I want you to get as much as possible out of your time in the classroom with me. Please don’t hesitate to let me know how you feel about the pace, or just about how things are going in general.

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