NYC TaxiFlow (based on ~200 million taxi trip records in 2009)

1) Aggregated pickup locations snapped to DCPLION street segments [link]

2) Aggregated drop-off locations snapped to DCPLION street segments [link]

3) Aggregated pickup locations using 2000 Census tracts [link]

4) Aggregated drop-off locations using 2000 Census tracts [link]


A) All symbolized values are based on 10-level natural-break classification of the TOT field in the respective dataset.

B) Fields H0 to H23 denote the hourly values from hour 0 to hour 23 in a day. Charting function will be provided in the next version.


5) Visualizing taxiflow among 71 NYC Community Districts (2009) using JFlowMap (applet-based)

Hourly: [FlowMap View] [FlowStrates View]

Aggregated: [FlowMap View] [FlowStrates View]

6) Visualizing top 1000 TaxiFlow pairs (2009) using JFlowMap (applet-based)

Hourly: [FlowMap View] [FlowStrates View]

Note: when an applet is loaded in FlowMap view, click the “Settings” button to bring a setting dialog. Click the “animation” tab to play the hourly animation of taxi trip counts of the top 1000 pairs (408 census blocks).


LGA case study of NYC TaxiFlow

Using bctcb2000 code 40331001001 in NYC Census Tract 2000 dataset with 101,499 (out of ~200 millions) taxi trips in 2009.

1) Locations: Low Resolution [Pickup Locations] [Drop-Off Locations] High Resolution [Pickup Locations] [Drop-Off Locations]

2) Google Map of the Study Area: [Image] [Interactive]

3) Hourly trip distributions: [Link]

4) Charting: [Distance-Time] [Distance - Fare] [Time - Fare] [Fare - Tip]

Note: Charting uses the first 32,000 samples due to Microsoft Excel Limits.


Shortest-Path Based Trip Counts over DCPLION Street Segments [2009]