PROBLEM SET 1  (announced February 8)
The problems in Chapter 1 of EOPL are a useful way of acclamating ourselves to Scheme -- let's do them all. I'll start discussing their solution in class next week. Remember that Tuesday runs on a Monday schedule, so we have only one class meeting in the period 2/12 - 2/16.

READING ASSIGNMENT 2  (announced February 8)
Please read sections 2.1 and 2.2 before our next class. We won't follow the book's sequencing in discussing the ideas presented in these sections, so you will find it helpful to have at least skimmed both sections in their entirety before we meet.

EXTRA CREDIT POP QUIZZES  (announced February 9)
Single-question pop quizzes, designed to motivate you to keep up with the reading and graded on an extra-credit basis, seem to me to be a terrific idea.  You can count on them being a regular feature from now on.  At the end of the term I'll compute your quiz average -- if it helps your grade, I'll use your quiz average in place of your lowest exam score.