Computer Science - The City College of New York
CSC I6716 - Fall 2010 3D Computer Vision
Assignment 3 Camera Models and Camera Clibration ( Deadline:
October 25 Monday before class)
(Those marked with * are optional for extra credits)
Note: All the writings must be hard copies in print. Do write
your **names** and IDs (last four
digits) in your submissions.
1 (Camera Models- 20 points) Prove that the vector
from the viewpoint of a pinhole camera to the vanishing point (in the
image plane) of a set of 3D parallel lines is parallel to the direction
the parallel
Hint: You can either use geometric reasoning or algebraic
If you choose to use geometric reasoning, you can use the fact that the
projection of a 3D line in space is the intersection of its
“interpretation plane”
with the image plane. Here the interpretation plane (IP) is a
passing through the 3D line and the center of projection (viewpoint) of
the camera. Also, the interpretation planes of two parallel lines
intersect in a line passing through the viewpoint, and the intersection
line is parallel to the parallel lines.
If you select to use algebraic calculation, you may use the parametric
representation of a 3D line: P = P0 +tV, where P= (X,Y,Z)T
is any point on the line (here T denote for
transpose), P0 =
(X0,Y0,Z0)T is a given fixed point on the line, vector V =
(a,b,c)T represents the direction of the line, and t is the
scalar parameter that controls the distance (with sign) between P and
2. (Camera Models- 20 points) Show that relation between any image
point (xim, yim)T of a plane (in the form of (x1,x2,x3)T
in projective space ) and its corresponding point (Xw, Yw, Zw)T
on the plane in 3D space can be represented by a 3x3 matrix. You should
start from the general form of the camera model (x1,x2,x3)T
MintMext (Xw, Yw, Zw, 1)T, where the
center (ox, oy), the focal length f, the scaling factors( sx and sy),
rotation matrix R and the translation vector T are all unknown. Note
in the course slides, I used a simplified model of the perspective
project by assuming ox and oy
known and sx = sy =1, and only discussed the special cases of planes..
So you cannot directly copy those equations I used.
Instead you should use the general form of the projective matrix, and
the general form of a plane nx
Xw + ny
Yw + nz Zw = d.
3. (Calibration- 60 points ) Prove the
by geometric arguments: Let T be the triangle on the image plane
by the three vanishing points of three mutually orthogonal sets of
lines in space. Then the image center is the orthocenter of the
T (i.e., the common intersection of the three altitudes.
(1) Basic proof: use the
of Question 1, assuming the aspect ratio of the camera is 1. (40 points)
(2) If you do not know the
length of the camera, can you still find the image center (together
with the focal length) using the
Show why or why not. (10 points)
(3) If you do not know the aspect ratio and the
length of the camera, can you still find the image center using the
Show why or why not. (10
points) (10 points)
- *Calibration Programming Exercises (20
extra points): Implement the direct parameter calibration method in
order to (1) learn how to use SVD to solve systems of linear equations;
(2) understand the physical constraints of the camera parameters; and
(3) understand important issues related to calibration, such as
calibration pattern design, point localization accuracy and robustness
of the algorithms. Since calibrating a real camera involves lots of
work in calibration pattern design, image processing and error controls
as well as solving the equations, we will mainly use simulated data to
understand the algorithms. As a by-product
we will also learn how to generate 2D images from 3D models using a
“virtual” pinhole camera.
- Calibration pattern “design”.
Generate data of a “virtual” 3D cube similar to the one shown in Fig.
6.1 of Trucco & Verri’s book (pp 125). For example, you can
hypothesize a 1´1´1 m3
cube and pick up coordinates of 3-D points on one corner of each black
square in your world coordinate system. Make sure that your data is
sufficient for the following calibration procedures. In order to show
the correctness of your data, draw your cube (with the control points
marked) using Matlab (or whatever tools you are selecting). I have
provided a piece of starting code in Matlab for
you to use.
- “Virtual” camera and images. Design
a “virtual” camera with known intrinsic parameters including focal
length f, image center (ox, oy) and pixel size (sx,
sy). As an example, you can
assume that the focal length is f = 16 mm, the image frame size is
512*512 (pixels) with (ox,oy) = (256, 256), and
the size of the image sensor inside your
camera is 8.8 mm *6.6 mm (so the pixel size is (sx,sy)
(8.8/512, 6.6/512) ). Capture an image of your “virtual” calibration
cube with your virtual camera in a given pose (R and T).
For example, you can take the picture of the cube 4 meters
away and with a tilt angle of 30 degree. Use three rotation angles alpha, beta, gamma to
rotation matrix R (refer to Lecture 10, or Trucco & Verri’s book
(pp 332). You may need to try different
pose in order to have a suitable image of your calibration target.
- Direction calibration method:
Estimate the intrinsic (fx, fy, aspect ratio a, image center (ox,oy)
and extrinsic (R, T and further alpha,
beta, gamma) parameters. Use SVD to solve the homogeneous linear
system and the least square problem, and to enforce the orthogonality
constraint on the estimate of R.
Use the accurately simulated data (both 3D world coordintes and
2D image coordinates) to the
algorithms, and
compare the results with the “ground truth” data (which are given in
step (a)
and step (b)). Remember you are
practicing a camera calibration, so you should pretend you know nothing
the camera parameters (i.e. you cannot use the ground truth data in
calibration process). However, in the direct calibration method, you
could use
the knowledge of the image center (in the homogeneous system to find
extrinsic parameters) and the
ratio (in the Orthocenter theorem method to find image center).
Study whether the unknown aspect ratio matters in
the image center, and how the initial estimation of image center
affects the
estimating of the remaining parameters.
Give a solution to solve the problems if any.
Accuracy Issues. Add in some random noises to the
simulated data and run
the calibration algorithms again. See how the “design tolerance” of the
calibration target and the localization errors of 2D image points
affect the
calibration accuracy. For example, you can add 0.1 mm random error to
3D points
and 0.5 pixel random error to 2D points. Also analyze how sensitive of
Orthocenter method is to the extrinsic parameters in imaging the three
sets of
the orthogonal parallel lines.
In all of the steps,
you should
give you results using either tables or graphs, or both of them.

A 2D image of the “3D cube” with
control 16+16 points.