Computer Science - The City College of New York
CSC I6716 - Fall 2010 3D Computer Vision
Assignment 1 ( Deadline: Sep 13 before class)
Note: All the writings must be hard copies in print. You also need to
turn in your “soft” copies of your assignment by sending me by email
attachments. You are responsible for the lose of your submissions if
you don’t include “CSC I6716
” (exactly) in the subject of
email. Send your source code to me ONLY – please don’t send in your
images and executable. Do write
your names and IDs (last four digits) in both your hard copy and
soft copy
1. Writing Assignments
(1). How does
an image change (object size, field of view, etc.) if the
focal length of a pinhole camera is varied?
Give an intuitive explanation of the reason why a pinhole camera has an
infinite depth of field.
(3). In
the thin lens model, 1/o + 1/i = 1/f, there are three variables, the
focal length f, the object distance o and the image distance i (please
refer to Slide # 18 of the Image Formation lecture). If we
define Z = o-f, and z = i-f, please describe the physical
meanings of Z and z, and show
that Z*z = f*f.
(4). Show that, in the pinhole camera model, three collinear
points (i.e., they lie on a line) in 3D space are imaged into
three collinear points on the image
2. Programming Assignments (Matlab preferred - here is a quick
matlab tutorial. You may use C++ or Java if you like,
you will need to bring your own machine to me in my office hours
to run your programs. )
Image formation. In this small project, you are going to use
Matlab to read, manipulate and write image data. The purpose of the
project is
to make you familiar with the basic digital image formations.
Your program should do the following things:
- Read in a color image C1(x,y) = (R(x,y), G(x,y), B(x,y)) in
Windows BMP format, and display it.
- Display the images of the three color components, R(x,y), G(x,y)
and B(x,y), separately. You should display three black-white-like
- Generate an intensity image I(x,y) and display it. You should use
the equation I =
0.299R + 0.587G + 0.114B (the NTSC standard for luminance).
- The original intensity image should have 256 gray levels.
Please uniformly quantize this image into K levels ( K=4, 16, 32,
64). As an example, when K=2 , pixels Whose values
are below 128 are turned to 0, otherwise to 255. Display
the four quantized images and tell us what images still look like
the original ones.
- Quantize the original three-band color image
C1(x,y) into K level color images CK(x,y)= (R’(x,y),
G’(x,y), B’(x,y)) (with uniform intervals) , and display them. You may
choose K=2 and 4 (for each band).
- Quantize the original three-band color image
C1(x,y) into a color image CL(x,y)= (R’(x,y), G’(x,y),
B’(x,y)) (with a logarithmic function) , and display it. You may
choose a function I' =C ln (I+1) ( for each band), where I
is the original value (0~255) , I' is the quantized value, and C
is a constant to scale I' into (0~255), and ln is the natural
logarithm. Note that when I = 0, I' = 0 too.
- Please give your conclusions for this experiment and write
them into
your paper submissions.
have provided a piece of starting code
for you to use. Questions a and b have been done. You only need
to work on c to g. You may use Prof. Zhu's ID
picture for
testing your algorithm..