Image decoding
from Bayer pattern sources.
Double-check your
basic code to make sure everything is all right in Assignment 1. This will be
your baseline.
Improvements: try
to use structures, e.g. edges; or better interpolation methods
Compare the
improved results with the baseline. You will also need to do an analysis, for
example, using histogram technique on the difference image.
Sketch generation
using edge detection methods in Assignment 2.
Gradient image
using Sobel, etc.
thresholding to cope with different spatial details and/or dynamic ranges at
different portions of an image.
extraction by Hough Transform (see lecture notes!) or edge tracking. (check the textbook or online materials).
Stereo matching
using the fundamental matrix you have obtained in Assignments 4.
Select matching
primitives - e.g. square window, corner, edge, etc.
matching criterion (SAD, SSD, etc.).
Perform matching
(try to develop an efficient algorithm); please do a time analysis
Visualization to
show 3D or disparities
Topics if you like, but you will need to let me know in a week.